Thursday, April 28, 2011

My First Circle Monthly Challenge!

Ok, so I just joined the cricut circle a week or two ago, but I figured what the heck, I'll try one of the challenges. So, having six kiddos and tons of leftover Easter stuff sitting around ready for the trash can, I decided to use the stuff that normally would have been thrown out. The Challenge was to recycle, reuse or repurpose three items in your creation. I ended up using believe it or not, the inside of the stuffing bag for the words. I know they're hard to see on the photo, but that's because they're very reflective! I originally wanted to use the tin foil off the turkey, but I knew that would tear more easily. The stuffing bag was very sturdy, easy to cut and I must say, looked great when done, but did not photograph well! I reused the easter basket that I normally would have let the kids play with until destroyed, then thrown away and also the bow and material. I guess you could even figure in the cards if you wanted to. I love to display them for inspiration, thus the three cricut cut quotes of "inspire", "imagine", and "dream". I also used a label cut which I squished down to size with the gypsy. The glitter of course was stickles that I just bought and was dying to try out. Now I need to buy the other bigillion colors! Ok, so I know my project is a bit underwhelming, but just wait there will be more and they'll get better I promise!!!

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